Our office locations will be closed January 21st and 22nd. Staff members can be contacted by phone or email (Directory).
Quaker Academies use various curriculum programs in order to meet the needs of students. Our program at K-2 focuses on hands-on learning. Because of this, students receive a box of educational materials at these grade levels. Students in grades K-5 all receive instruction that encourages academic engagement. Middle and high school students are immersed in rigorous content which supports all learners. We strive to provide experiences where students can showcase critical thinking and creativity. Further, students’ individual learning needs are met through accommodations in the curriculum by Ohio-licensed teachers. All curriculum programs are accredited and cover the Ohio Learning Standards.
Our curriculum marries research-based pedagogy and innovative thinking. For additional information, please select from one of the available options below.
Our curriculum is designed to allow students to work at their own pace at anytime!
Our curriculum can be accessed from any web accessible device.
Students have access to tutoring services at no cost.
Have a job? Students can earn high school credit through work-based learning.
Students can take college courses through college credit plus (application required).
Students can take their labs at a career center and core classes with Quaker Digital Academy.
Field trips and virtual lessons are available throughout the year for all grade levels.
Students are provided a Chromebook for the duration of their enrollment.
Families can be reimbursed up to $40 per month during the school year.