How to Meet Attendance Requirements
Quaker Academies recommends that students work around one hour per subject per school day*. This ensures that students meet attendance requirements and progress through their courses in a timely manner. However, students may opt to work in specific subject areas if they choose as long as they meet the attendance goals below.
To ensure students meet attendance requirements, Quaker Academies recommends the following goals:
- Students should have 5.1 hours of documented time per school day.
- Students should have 25.5 hours of documented time per week.
- Students should have 920 total hours by the last day of school (if enrolled on the first day of school).
It is important to note that students may document attendance on non-school days (weekends or holiday breaks) to make up time missed.
Offline Attendance
Student attendance is automatically documented when logged into coursework, but students may document their "offline" time by using the Student Information System Attendance System. Some examples of offline attendance can include any of the following items as long as the student is not signed into their coursework:
- Reading lesson material in a textbook.
- Completing math workbook or practice problems.
- Doing a science experiment.
- Conducting library or Internet research for an assignment.
- Composing an essay or written response in a Word Processor.
- Watching an educational video related to the lesson material.
*Each submission must be approved by the student's Instructional Supervisor for the time to count.
House Bill 410
HB410 requires all Ohio Schools to implement an absence intervention plan for students under 18 that meet one of the following triggers:
Habitual Truancy Triggers
- 30 consecutive school hours missed (unexcused hours only).
- 42 school hours missed in a full calendar month (unexcused hours only).
- 72 school hours missed in a school year (unexcused hours only).
An Absence Intervention Plan is used to identify and correct habitual truancy. Once the plan is implemented, students that fail to improve their attendance may be referred to juvenile court for truancy.
Summary of Events after Triggering Event
- Written notification is sent to the student's parent or legal guardian.
- The student's Instructional Supervisor will make three good faith attempts to contact the student's parent or guardian to schedule a meeting date and time.
- A meeting will be held to develop an Absence Intervention Plan. The student, parent/guardian, an attendance officer, and the student's Instructional Supervisor will be involved in the Absence Intervention Plan creation process.
- After the plan is implemented, students that continue to be excessively absent will be referred to juvenile court.
- A sixty-day review will be conducted after the plan is implemented. Students that fail to make satisfactory progress on their Absence Intervention Plan may be referred to juvenile court.
Failure to Attend Absence Intervention Meeting
Parents and guardians that fail to attend an Absence Intervention Meeting may be referred to the county prosecutor's office.
An Absence Intervention Plan will be implemented with or without the involvement of the student, parent, or guardian.
Ohio House Bill 410 Requirements - Ohio Department of Education