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Notices and Disclosures

For questions related to the information on this page, please contact us at 1-866-968-7032. In addition to the information on this page, students and their legal guardians may be sent notice and disclosure information through our student information system and/or posted to the announcement section of this website. To search our site for additional information, please use the search box below:

Annual report

Each year Quaker Digital and Quaker Prep provides families with statics about our schools and highlights from the previous school year. To see the latest report, please visit our publications section.


Board Policies Reference: 5517

Compliance Officers

Dr. Richard Varrati, CEO

Mrs. Westbrook, School Counselor
400 Mill Ave. SE, Suite 901
New Philadelphia, OH 44663

The Compliance Officers will be available during regular school/work hours to discuss concerns related to unlawful harassment, to assist students, other members of the District community, and third parties who seek support or advice when informing another individual about "unwelcome" conduct, or to intercede informally on behalf of the student, other member of the School District community or third party in those instances where concerns have not resulted in the filing of a formal complaint and where all parties are in agreement to participate in an informal process.

Board Policy

All board policies can be found on our BoardDocs website.

Bullying Policy & Reporting

Board Policies Reference: 5517.01

Summary of Incidents

Number verified acts of harassment, intimidation, and/or bullying, whether in the classroom, on school property, to and from school, or at school-sponsored events.

Number of Verified Bullying Incidents: 0 as of 9/5/2024.

Business Advisory Council

Access the Business Advisory Council's resource page here

Civil Rights

Compliance Officers

Dr. Richard Varrati

400 Mill Ave. SE, Suite 901, New Philadelphia, OH 44663

Deb Kennedy
400 Mill Ave. SE, Suite 901, New Philadelphia, OH 44663

Continuity Plan

Quaker Digital Academy's Continuity Plan

Quaker Preparatory Academy's Continuity Plan

Governing Authority

Learning Recovery and Extended Learning Plan

Mission statement

Our mission is to enhance and facilitate student learning by combining state-of-the-art digital curriculum and instruction with access to local school resources that complement that instruction and prepare students to become lifelong learners and productive citizens.



The Board of Education is committed to implementation of Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) framework on a District-wide basis and the establishment of a school environment focused on the care, safety, and welfare of all students and staff members. Staff are directed to work to prevent the use of physical restraint and/or seclusion. The PBIS framework shall serve as the foundation for the creation of a learning environment that promotes the use of evidence-based academic and behavioral practices aimed at enhancing academic, social and behavioral outcomes for all students. An emphasis shall be placed on promoting positive interventions and solutions to potential crises. If a student's behavior, however, presents a threat of immediate physical harm to the student or others, staff may, as a last resort (i.e., there is no other safe and effective intervention available) and in accordance with the terms of this policy, use approved physical restraint or seclusion to maintain a safe environment.

All physical restraint and seclusion shall only be done in accordance with this policy, which is based on the standards adopted by the State Board of Education regarding the use of student restraint and seclusion.

Training in methods of PBIS and the use of physical restraint and seclusion will be provided to all professional staff and support staff determined appropriate by the Superintendent. Training will be in accordance with the State's Standards. Absent an emergency, only school staff who are trained in permissible seclusion and physical restraint measures shall use such techniques.

Every use of restraint and seclusion shall be documented and reported in accordance with this policy.

Number of restraints and seclusions per office:

  • New Philadelphia - 0
  • East Liverpool - 0
  • Steubenville - 0

Sponsorship information

Quaker Digital Academy and Quaker Preparatory Academy are sponsored by New Philadelphia City Schools.

State report card

Report cards are released annually by the Ohio Department of Education. To view the current report, please select a school below: 

website information

Terms of Use

Changes to the Quaker Digital Academy or Quaker Preparatory Academy Board Policies, the Ohio Revised Code, or Federal Law may cause the information on this site to no longer be accurate. End-users agree to hold Quaker Digital Academy and Quaker Preparatory Academy harmless of any damages that may occur by using this site.

Contacting Website Administration

All questions related to website accessibility, reporting copyright infringement, or other technical questions pertaining to this site should be directed to the Technology Department.

Student Privacy

Our school implemented a system to monitor and track students' use of school-provided computers and devices.

This measure is being taken to:
1. Ensure the safety and security of our students online
2. Promote responsible digital citizenship
3. Protect our technology resources from misuse
4. Comply with federal and state regulations regarding student internet use

The tracking system will log websites visited, applications used, and time spent on devices. This information will be used solely for educational and administrative purposes. Rest assured that student privacy remains a top priority, and all data will be handled in accordance with applicable privacy laws.

We encourage you to discuss responsible technology use with your child. If you have any questions or concerns about this new policy (Ohio S.B. 29), please don't hesitate to contact the school administration.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

Federal Programs

Quaker Academies (Quaker Digital and Quaker Prep) federal programs are managed by Debra J. Kennedy. For questions regarding federal programs, please contact Mrs. Kennedy.

Title I

Title I is a Federal aid program through which most Ohio school districts receive funding to provide supplemental instruction for those students who qualify. The allocation of funds for each school district is based on a legislative formula dependent upon the distribution of low-income children and state per-pupil expenditures. However, Title 1 services are provided for all children who qualify as needing assistance in language arts or mathematics regardless of income.

The Quaker Academies Title 1 Program is conducted during the regular school year and is dedicated to serving students in the elementary grades. Beginning with the primary grades, service is directed to students meeting specific selection criteria. Focused assessment throughout the school year provides an ongoing record of student progress, which enables our teachers to tailor instruction to meet the specific needs of each child.

  1. Parents Right to Know Notice
  2. Parent Involvement Policy
  3. Annual Parent Meeting Notice
  4. School-Parent Compact


In accordance with recent federal legislation, the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), school districts that receive Title 1 federal funds are required to notify parents of their right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of their child’s teacher including degrees and certifications held and whether the teacher is certified in the area he/she is teaching.  If you wish this information, please contact the Federal Grants Coordinator at the main office


Quaker Academies seek the active participation of all Title 1 students’ parents in improving their children’s academic achievement.  Parents are encouraged to communicate regularly with the Title 1 teachers to discuss the progress of their child. 

We encourage your help and assistance in a variety of ways:

  • Participation in parent/teacher conference days scheduled throughout the school year.
  • Letters and emails to and from home.
  • Telephone conversations between parents and teachers.
  • Activities for families such as field trips

Experts agree that reading is the basis for school success.  Parents play a key role in that success, especially in building necessary reading skills.  Parents provide a strong foundation through encouragement, practice and appropriate setting which are all vital in student success.

We thank you in advance for all of your help and assistance in working together with your child to help him/her succeed in school.

Title II, Part a funding
Professional development

The purpose of this part is to provide grants to State educational agencies, local educational agencies, State agencies for higher education, and eligible partnerships in order:

  1. To increase student academic achievement through strategies such as improving teacher and principal quality and increasing the number of highly qualified teachers in the classroom and highly qualified principals and assistant principals in schools; and
  2. To hold local educational agencies and schools accountable for improvements in student academic achievement.

Title III (English language aquisition)

The purposes of this part of funding are the following:
  1. To help ensure that English learners, including immigrant children and youth, attain English proficiency and develop high levels of academic achievement in English; 
  2. To assist all English learners, including immigrant children and youth, to achieve at thigh levels in academic subjects so that all English learners can meet the same challenging state academic standards that all children are expected to meet;
  3. To assist teachers in establishing, implementing, and sustaining effective language instruction educational programs designed to assist in teaching English learners, including immigrant children and youth
  4. To assist teachers to develop and enhance their capacity to provide effective instructional programs designed to prepare English learners, including immigrant children and youth, to enter all-English instructional settings; and
  5. To promote parental, family, and community participation in language instruction educational programs for the parents, families, and communities of English learners.

Title IV (Student Support and Academic Enrichment)

Well-Rounded Education:  Strategies and activities to support a well-rounded education: Districts may spend funds to develop and implement programs and activities that support access to a well-rounded education.

Safe and Healthy Students: Activities and strategies to support safe and healthy students which foster safe, healthy, supportive and drug-free environments that support academic achievement, and promote parent involvement in activities or programs and may be coordinated with other schools and community based services and programs.

Effective Use of Technology: Activities and strategies to support the effective use of technology to improve the academic achievement, academic growth and digital literacy of all students.  Of the amount a District chooses to spend on technology, only 15% may be used for technology infrastructure.

Title IX

Title IX Coordinators

Dr. Richard Varrati, CEO

Debra J. Kennedy, Superintendent

Title IX Policies

idea-b (Individuals with disabilities act)

Quaker Academies receives IDEA-B funds for the purpose of the education of children with disabilities. Annually, during our five year forecast board meeting, discussion will be held regarding how the District will spend its IDEA-B funds and time will be allowed for public comment.

This money may be used for staffing, educational materials, equipment, and other costs to provide special education and related services.

idea ARP (american rescue plan)

ARP IDEA is a one-time funding opportunity that will not be available to sustain ongoing activities such as permanent employees. ARP funds will be allocated to Districts following traditional procedures used for IDEA Part B allocations.

ESSER Funds (Pandemic Related Relief Funds)

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 is an economic stimulus bill that provides nearly $123 billion in emergency aid for K-12 schools across the country. This represents the greatest amount of emergency fiscal aid for education ever approved by the federal government. Part of the overall American Rescue Plan for COVID-19, Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief is also known as ESSER.