Quaker Academies1
Title I Program


  1. Parents are the most significant people in our students’ lives.
  2. The quality and quantity of parent involvement has a tremendous effect on student achievement.
  3. Every parent needs to make time to become involved in their child’s education.
  4. Parents are deserving of respect for the jobs they are doing.
  5. Practical suggestions and low-cost ideas should be offered to parents to more effectively support their child’s learning and overall school success.


Parents of Title I students will have the opportunity to participate in the design and implementation of the program through the following activities:

  1. Letter of parent notification of student selection and reason for selection.
  2. Informing parents of specific instructional objectives and goals.
  3. Distribution of progress reports each grading period.
  4. Providing suggestions, practical low-cost ideas, and use of materials to assist parents at home.
  5. Scheduling of conferences twice each year and upon parent request.
  6. Distribution of Title I parent newsletter by each Title I Instructional Supervisor.
  7. Providing timely responses to parent recommendations.
  8. Distribution of parent surveys for future planning, development, and operation of the Title I Programs.
  9. Coordination of efforts with the principal, instructional supervisors, and Title I Parent Advisory Council.
  10. Conducting an annual Fall parent meeting to provide a description of the program, parent involvement opportunities, and additional training.
  11. Conducting individual building meetings for parents of Title I students.

1 Reviewed and Discussed August 2024